Frequently Asked Questions

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Feel free to post a question here. Chances are someone else has already asked and figured it out. Always be respectful please.

How will I know when my swimmer is ready for swim club? Or What level should I sign up for? The best source to figure that out is to click on the “Swim Groups” tab on the left side of the web page. If you still need help, email the registrar at .

Swim club seems pretty expensive, are there any grants available?
You can see the fees on the “Fees” tab on the left side of the web page. We are a not-for-profit society run by volunteers so we make every dollar count. You get qualified swim coach for a long time. For the amount of time in the water, the fees are generally cheaper than most swim lessons. We suggest applying for a Canadian Tire Jumpstart grant as the first option. Here is the link (cut and paste it into your web address bar). In the summer, there is grant assistance available from the BCSSA for those in financial need. Contact the club president for more information.

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